Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Select the Best Paper for Decoupage

Decoupage art projects consist of four components, the object to get the decoupage applied, the decoupage glue, the glaze to finish off the item and the paper for decoupage.

Right now there are numerous alternatives designed for decoupage paper. There is the exceedingly popular Mulberry and handmade paper that provides excellent quality, color palates and textures, although is enormously pricey. You can find the customary All-purpose copy paper that is more economical, but doesn't present the same end product when glued on a decoupage project. And naturally there is the opportunity to use leftover pieces or cutouts from everything from daily newspapers to weekly publications to gum wrappers. The alternatives can in fact be so substantial, it can be intimidating.

While hunting for paper for your decoupage mission, the primary thing to take into account is the project itself. What exactly are you trying to produce? If your mental picture is that of a Michelangelo painting on a dresser, the higher priced better quality paper is probably required. On the contrary if you are just trying to renew your 14 year-old son's room by using an amusing lampshade, you probably need to just go with photos removed from Sports Illustrated of his favorite sports team or sports figure. The true subject is the art projects in between those two, like a steamer trunk you are sending off with your daughter to college. Nonetheless every undertaking and the availability of the paper in the shade, grain and containing the images that you want might probably lead to your selection in paper.

Beyond shade and grain, there are a couple more issues to take into consideration when selecting paper for decoupage. The thickness and hardiness of the paper will have an effect on the ease of actually performing the project. A fragile paper like newspaper will crumple up much easier than a stiffer paper and make getting a level surface much more problematic. Tissue paper really will tear very easily once glue is applied, creating possible issues in actually doing the plan.

Decoupage is the perfect recycling craft; you can make use of old items as the base, freshen them up and offer them another life. In the same way almost all paper are able to be used to carry out the actual decoupage. Old pictures, old weekly publications, old publications, scrap paper laying about, even heavier cardboard from delivery containers.

The most essential things to remember regarding choosing your paper are:

Choose a paper that's correct for the object and plan for the project. You almost certainly wouldn't want to use candy wrappers on an object you are going to be using for the focus of your formal dining room.

Utilize a paper type that absolutely will withstand both the application procedure as well as the eventual use of the item. For instance, tissue paper may not be the best option to stretch out over a vase, because the stretching procedure with wet tissue will have more of a chance of ripping than a hardier paper would. In addition fine designs with a filigree paper might be suitable for a picture frame that is planned to be positioned on a shelf, but may well not work on a side table which might consistently be ran into and knocked around.

Decoupage is a boundless craft, that you can use almost any item to mount the decoupage. Furthermore, just about any paper or type of paper may be used as the decoupage material, therefore keep your eyes and mind open when you start to throw out that old Christmas wrap or previous month's Home and Garden or Sunset.

For more information on Amazing Decoupage projects visit Decoupage Your Life. For Hints, Tricks and Tips on the amazing world of decoupage, Decoupage Your Life is The place.

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